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Date : 2011-08-12
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Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ~ In Created Equal Joshua Berman engages the text of the Hebrew Bible from a novel perspective considering it as a document of social and political thought He proposes that the Pentateuch can be read as the earliest prescription on record for the establishment of an egalitarian polity
Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ~ Created Equal reveals the Hebrew Bible to be a sophisticated work of political philosophy and the birthplace of egalitarian thought Focusing on the Pentateuch this book lays bare the manner in which the Bible appropriated and reconstituted ancient norms and institutions to create a new blueprint for society
Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ~ In Created Equal Joshua Berman engages the text of the Hebrew Bible from a novel perspective considering it as a document of social and political thought He proposes that the Pentateuch can be read as the earliest prescription on record for the establishment of an egalitarian polity
Created Equal Paperback Joshua A Berman Oxford ~ In Created Equal Joshua Berman engages the text of the Hebrew Bible from a novel perspective considering it as a document of social and political thought He proposes that the Pentateuch can be read as the earliest prescription on record for the establishment of an egalitarian polity
Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ~ Focusing on the Pentateuch this book lays bare the manner in which the Bible appropriated and reconstituted ancient norms and institutions to create a new blueprint for society Theology politics and economics were marshaled anew to weaken traditional seats of power and to create a homogeneous class of empowered common citizens
Created equal how the Bible broke with ancient political ~ Created equal how the Bible broke with ancient political thought Joshua Berman Joshua Berman engages the text of the Hebrew Bible from a novel perspective as a document of social and political thought
Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ~ This is the first booklength study to explore the Hebrew Bible and specifically the Pentateuch as a coherent book of political philosophy In Created Equal Joshua Berman engages the text of the Hebrew Bible from a novel perspective considering
Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ~ Machiavelli Hobbes Locke and the American founding fathers all sought within the Bible inspiration for their various political theories mining it to substantiate political teachings Liberation theology is one movement that continues to invoke the Bible in the service of a political platform to this day
Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ~ Reading Joshua Berman’s book Created Equal How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political ought may feel like a throwback to an earlier mode of thought exemplified by Yehezkel Kaufmann and G Ernest Wright in which ancient Israel radically diverges from the cultures that surround it
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