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Date : 1984-04-01
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Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Victor G Ambrus ~ Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Victor G Ambrus on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Grandma Felix the Cat and Long John Silver the Parrot all lived happily together until Grandma brought home a plump hamster called Mustapha Biscuit From that day onwards
Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit by Victor G Ambrus ~ Grandma Felix the Cat and Long John Silver the Parrot all lived happily together until Grandma brought home a plump hamster called Mustapha Biscuit From that day onwards Felix dreamt of hamsters on toast and hamsters in tomato sauce But Mustapha Biscuit was ready to foil his plans
Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Victor G Ambrus ~ Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Victor G Ambrus on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Felix the cat greedily pursues the plumpest tastiestlooking little thing he has ever seen from the moment Grandma brings a hamster into the house
Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Written by Victor ~ Felix wants to eat the hamster When Grandma goes shopping Felix gets a safety pin and tries to unlock Mustaphas cage The rest of the story is about Felix trying to get Mustapha Youll have to read the book to find out what happens This story comes from England and a biscuit in England means a cookie in America Mustapha Biscuit likes to
GRANDMA FELIX AND MUSTAPHA BISCUIT by Victor Ambrus ~ Felix the cat and Long John Silver the parrot live in a little oldfashioned house with a stereotypical storybook Grandma in long skirts and shawl Then Granny brings home Mustapha Biscuit I must have a biscuit the hamster and Felix dreams of hamsters on toast hamsters with ketchup and grilled hamsters with gravy and vegetables
Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Book 1982 ~ Get this from a library Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Victor G Ambrus Felix the cat greedily pursues the plumpest tastiestlooking little thing he has ever seen from the moment Grandma brings a hamster into the house
9780688012878 Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit ~ Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit 9780688012878 by Ambrus Victor G and a great selection of similar New Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices
Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Book 1984 ~ Add tags for Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Be the first Similar Items Related Subjects 3 Cats Juvenile fiction Cats Childrens stories in English 1945 Texts Confirm this request You may have already requested this item Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway
Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit Victor ~ Synopsis Grandma Felix the Cat and Long John Silver the Parrot all lived happily together until Grandma brought home a plump hamster called Mustapha Biscuit From that day onwards Felix dreamt of hamsters on toast and hamsters in tomato sauce But Mustapha Biscuit was ready to foil his plans
Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit by Victor Ambrus 25 ~ Grandma Felix and Mustapha Biscuit by Victor Ambrus 25Mar1993 Paperback on FREE shipping on qualifying offers