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Date : 2005-09-01
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Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 32
Category : Book

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Jabutí the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon ~ Jabutí the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon Paperback – September 1 2005 by Gerald McDermott Author
Jabutí the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon by ~ Jabuti is a South American trickster tale from the Amazon I purchased it to use in my myth class to evaluate cultural folktales The illustrations are full of color which children will enjoy and the art work is signature McDermott
Customer reviews Jabutí the Tortoise A ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Jabutí the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users
Jabuti the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon by ~ Jabuti the Tortoise a Trickster Tale from the Amazon is part of a series Zomo the Rabbit Raven Coyote Papagayo by Gerald McDermott that explore the trickster myths in folk literature Jabuti zhabooCHEE is the central character a turtle in many Amazon rain forest tribal stories
jabuti the tortoise ~ Jabutí the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon by Gerald McDermott Sep 1 2005 44 out of 5 stars 31 Paperback 799 7 99 Get it as soon Jabuti the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the AmazonJABUTI THE TORTOISEPaperback by GeraldMcDermott Sep 30 2005 Paperback 2475 24 75
Jabutí the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon by ~ Jabutí the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon by Gerald McDermott 2005 Paperback
Jabuti the tortoise a trickster tale from the Amazon ~ Gerald McDermott makes myths new again for readers of all ages using language as vibrant and colorful as his bold Jabutí is an unusual tale of a tricksters fall from grace and of how creation can sometimes come from chaos
Jabuti The Tortoise A Trickster Tale From The Amazon ~ Jabutí is an unusual tale of a trickster’s fall from grace and of how creation can sometimes come from chaos He brags too much so they all disappear immediately in this tale about how the tortoise got the cracks on his shell This is written in thirdperson point of view
Jabuti the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon ~ Jabuti the Tortoise A Trickster Tale from the Amazon is told and illustrated by Gerald McDermott It opens with the title character playing his flute Jabuti wants to play his instrument at a festival for the King of Heaven but another creatures jealousy leads to conflict The fun story is brought to life by McDermotts superb artwork